State of the Sector 2024

New reports provide in depth analysis of the state of the VCFSE sector in Somerset

Commissioned by Spark Somerset and independently conducted and produced by Quay Research, the research and resulting report provide detailed insights into the size and shape of the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector in Somerset and the challenges it faces. 

Drawing upon extensive data, including a comprehensive desk-based review, 32 one-to-one interviews, 3 group interviews and an online survey completed by 318 organisations, it is also a celebration of the resilience, flexibility, and responsiveness of our sector and its enduring optimism and enthusiasm. 

Yet, the shifting landscape of public services in England, shaped by systemic shocks and budget cuts, has intensified structural inequalities and health challenges, and Somerset is no exception. These challenges underscore the need for financial stability, strategic thinking, and continuity of service provision from a diverse range of service providers.  

Spark Somerset’s CEO, Katherine Nolan, comments: 

“The report highlights how building strong public sector-VCFSE relationships are critical for community resilience and maintaining, supporting and developing a successful and sustainable sector. 

“We hope that these findings will be instrumental in amplifying our collective voice and demonstrate how, together, we are supporting healthy, happy, and flourishing communities in Somerset. 

“Thank you to everyone who contributed to this important research and to those within the sector who continues to champion and deliver this vital work.”  

The full report, summary and a national picture are now available to read, along with an opinion piece which seeks to explore the pertinent question; Collaboration Between the VCFSE and Public Sector in Somerset: Challenge or Opportunity.

Read the reports

This report was made possible thanks to funding from the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

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