Our projects

Beyond the core services we provide, we are involved in a number of other projects and initiatives in partnership with other organisations which aim to support Somerset communities.

Spark iT

Free digital training and support from our volunteer Digital Champions to build confidence and improve the health and wellbeing of Somerset residents.

A man and a woman sitting at a table, looking at a laptop together in a community space.
Photograph of a group of OMH Champions, arms raised, smiling.

Open Mental Health

Engaging with mental health organisations, the wider sector and local communities to improve access to support and services.

Shared Prosperity Funding

Our projects to enhance infrastructure, increase support and build capacity within the VCFSE sector. Funded by the UK Government, via Somerset Council.

Photograph delivering a presentation in from of a big screen displaying the words 'income diversification'.
Photograph of two men at an event, sat at table, laughing.

Our partnerships

In addition to the projects above, we also facilitate strategic partnerships. By working together, we are making an even bigger impact.

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