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Somerset VCFSE Collaborative

The Collaborative exists to strengthen the voice and influence of the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector in Somerset, whilst also promoting opportunities for collaborations and partnerships. 

What is the Somerset VCFSE Collaborative?

The Somerset Collaborative was formed in 2023 following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Somerset Integrated Care Board (ICB), Somerset Council, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust and Spark Somerset on behalf of the wider voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector.

Somerset VCFSE Collaborative logoComprising experienced and emerging leaders from across the sector, the Collaborative is facilitated by an independent chair and supported by Spark Somerset.

Our goal is to strengthen the voice and influence of the sector, enabling VCFSE groups to have a say on the issues that affect the health and wellbeing of the communities they support.

We achieve this in the following ways:

  • Connecting existing partnerships and initiatives whilst also creating spaces for collaboration
  • Expanding VCFSE representation on key boards, working groups and within strategic discussions
  • Providing opportunities for the VCFSE, no matter how informal or small the group may be, to remain informed about and involved in the decision-making process
  • Ensuring that relevant organisations are made aware of emerging themes and priorities and invited to participate in events and initiatives within their areas of expertise

Behind the Collaborative is a Leaders group who meet quarterly to agree priority areas of work and explore new partnership opportunities both within the sector and with public sector partners.

The Collaborative is also supported by a small steering group consisting of a range of organisations, dedicated to its development and proper governance.

Want to get involved?

Join the Somerset VCFSE Collaborative—open exclusively to VCFSE representatives—to receive regular updates through our bulletin and stay informed opportunities to collaborate with others in our local health and care system, working together to improve and deliver services for our communities.

Some really great themes and shared issues and a healthy appetite to be a part of something that could make a difference.

– Nigel Bell, Ark at Egwood CIC


We are committed to ensuring that the sector has a presence on key strategic boards by selecting VCFSE representatives through a formal election process. Our aim is to maintain effective communication and broaden representation across the VCFSE sector, ensuring its voice is heard, and interests are considered in strategic decision-making.

We’re keen to give new organisations the chance to represent the sector on behalf of the Collaborative. Support, funding for staffing costs and travel expenses are available to help smaller or less-resourced organisations to participate.

Want to know more?

To find out more about the Somerset VCFSE Collaborative, our upcoming opportunities, and how to get involved as a Representative, please get in touch.

Photograph of two men at an event, sat at table, laughing.

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For latest news, events and opportunities for partnerships and collaboration.

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