Volunteer in Somerset - your time, your way

Raising the profile of volunteering in Somerset

Somerset boasts a strong and vibrant voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector, with volunteers very much at the heart of this.

Since Covid however, many organisations are finding it increasingly difficult to attract the quantity and diversity of volunteers that they need. Covid has also seen a clear move towards place-based volunteering, with many people preferring to engage in social action within their own community.

To address these needs and amplify the impact of volunteering across Somerset, we're launching Volunteer in Somerset - your time, your way: a campaign that will leave a lasting legacy of community support and empowerment.

Facilitated by Spark Somerset and in partnership with VCFSE organisations across the county, we're utilising our volunteering platform, Spark a Change, to support 500 additional volunteers in Somerset.

The campaign will focus on breaking down the barriers that some may face when considering volunteering, showcasing the more unexpected opportunities that people might not associate with volunteering, and demonstrating how people can fit volunteering into their busy lives.

By sharing inspiring stories, highlighting the diverse range of opportunities available, and demonstrating the impact volunteering can have, we aim to encourage even more people to get involved and support their local communities.

How to get involved

There are lots of ways you can support us with this campaign:

The campaign launches in July 2024 and will run until March 2025.

Sign up to our mailing list and we'll let you know as soon the campaign toolkit is ready to download.

Together, lets make Somerset a better place to live.

A big thanks to our campaign communications partners:

This project has been made possible by funding from the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.