Somerset VCFSE Assembly

What is the VCFSE Assembly?

Facilitated by Spark Somerset, the Somerset VCFSE (voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise) Assembly aims to strengthen the voice and influence of the sector. It enables VCFSE groups to have a say on the issues that affect the health and wellbeing of the people and communities they support. Developed by and for the sector, the Assembly provides a space where challenges can be shared and solutions found.

Who is it for?

The Assembly is open to all VCSFE organisations in Somerset, regardless of their size and interests, and meets regularly to discuss the key challenges and opportunities affecting the sector and explore opportunities to work together. 

We also appreciate the contribution of our public sector colleagues, who are invited to join us to explore how we can address the issues that matter to our communities, together. 

Somerset VCFSE Collaborative

In June, the Leaders Group for the Assembly endorsed a new name which more accurately represents them - Somerset VCFSE Collaborative.

The Collaborative is not a new organisation but a way of working across the VCFSE and with our partners in the public sector.

The aim is to connect the various partnerships and initiatives, create a space for collaboration, further strengthen the voice of the VCFSE in key Boards, working groups and strategic discussions, and offer a range of ways for the VCFSE, no matter how informal or small the group may be, to be better informed and involved.

Groups can be involved by:

  • Signing up to receive our new monthly email bulletin
  • Joining the Leaders Group
  • Volunteering to become a Representative on one of the key Boards or Committees
  • Attending or helping to organise a thematic event to bring colleagues together

To get involved, please get in touch with Liz Simmons, Independent Chair, by emailing


“Some really great themes and shared issues and a healthy appetite to be a part of something that could make a difference.” Nigel Bell, Ark at Egwood CIC