Somerset VCSE State of the Sector Report 2020
The 2020 Somerset VCSE State of the Sector Report is the second report of this nature commissioned through the Somerset VCSE Forum and builds on the work undertaken in 2016.
At the beginning of the year, a survey was sent to charities, community groups and social enterprises across the County. The findings have informed this second in-depth review of the state of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Somerset.
What was not anticipated at the time of this project being undertaken was the impact of COVID-19. This has brought both challenges and opportunities to the sector, and two follow-up surveys have been conducted to help us better understand the impact locally.
We have included the results of all three studies in our latest report.
Our sector continues to provide valuable services, activities and volunteering opportunities in Somerset. It is characterised by the enthusiasm and dedication of the people at its heart, and the remarkable response to the pandemic confirms our reliance on this strong, skilled and adaptable workforce. But the pressures remain - we continue to balance reducing resources with growing demands, and challenges around funding, capacity and recruiting volunteers are especially poignant as we look to a future beyond COVID-19.
You can read the report here.
In partnership with Somerset County Council, Community Council for Somerset and Somerset Community Foundation.